5 June 2012

gudbye blogger!

hye peeps
hurm dh lme aku x post n aku mkin malas nk post kat belogg
bukan ape..dlu blog aku diguna kan untuk mengutuk n mencarut
or luah kan sume perasaan aku tanpa pikir perasaan org yg bce ni
but i'm different now. i'm not the old me yg ske nganjing2 org
that's why aku rse aku dh xperlu lg blog ni...
cter sal life biase ek? no need laaa.... korunk nk taw aku just ask me directly
xpayah la aku nk cter kat belogg ni. that's why aku pkir aku nk tutop belog ni
and maybe this is my very last post
sorry and bye2 :3

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