6 January 2012

you're jerk~

assalammualaikum readers~ weeeee! dh lme sanad kan aku x update belogg ni an? alaaa chill ari ni aku update n nk kasi cter HOTT punye..bhahahahahhahaha bende ni berlaku smlm. not yesterday act...it's happenned this early morning...hahakk~ but before that...for those yg x ske or nyampah bce belogg aku ni...bukak la balek tab f.book korunk tu...hihih~

first of all aku nk tnye korunk..korunk penah tak jumpa laki cm gini..??
depan kte~
"sayang awk la!" "sye x kesah la mak awk nk halang jnji sye syg awk.." " jnji ek kte bersama smpi ble2"
but belakang kte or time gadoh je...wow~
"eii aku nyampah la ngan ko! ko hnye budak2! mne pndai kapel?"
paham x? or nk senang cter laki yg bdget besar sanadd~ ckp dpn manis but lepas tu dok ungkit2. x pandai jge awek die.. and sanadd menyerabot kan~ penah jmpe x? hmmm yeah i met that type of guy before...hahahah ape punye laki ann?  laki sume gtu ke? not all of them i presume~ but most of it kan?

okay spe laki tuh? heh? aku xnk la bukak aib mamat tu! aku kn BAEKKK~ BUT! if aku x bitaw unn aku bet, korunk taw sanad spe laki psycho tu..kan kan kan?
okay back to the story.. that psycho called me budak2...budak skola..and also junior! yeah that's true and really2 true. tp ann..spe yang bdnrnye acting like a kid? pffffttt okay sblum ari smlm ann that idiot guy said to me that die x kesah langsung kpl ngan dak skola n so on. then die unn ckp mcm2 la yg manis2...heh? GUY mmg gtu an? but then...die trus ungkit2 mnde lme..ungkit2 bnde yg die dh bermanis manis dlu.... what on earth is going on? ckp mcm keling deii? and sanadd2 la x matured ungkit2 bnde lme...come on la..give me a break...who's the one is the kid now? that guy ann? hahaha he such a jerk~

hahaha that guy also used to call me stupid..or in malay it called bodoh~ die bg aku bangbangbang bodoh 3 kali... hahah kay fine sye bodoh...but actually die lagi2 bodo.. sbb ape? first die kpl ngan org bodoh. second, die bodoh sbb perasan diri dh besa sg but actually he always acting like a kid!.. third, die die bodoh sbb mmg die bodoh! then die bodoh sbb die x perasan yg die tu bodoh!!! aku x ske ckp gini but he started first!

okay cukop la smpi sni..aku unn dh xde pape n mmg xnk pun ade pape ngan die...yeah ! dh la ungkit2 bnde ntah pape~ euuuwwww what ungkit2? xde bnde ke nk bahan? xde idea? aku x ungkit pape lgsung smlm...coz selama ni aku ikhlas wat sume bnde ngan ko! but ternyata ko mmg x ikhlas selama ni...i knew it ! and aku dh lme prepared nk mntk clash..at last~ berjaya jugak! nges? piuuuhh~ aku lg byk nanges klu bersama ngan ko? still sayang? not really but aku pon human...spe bole simply2 lpe gtu pun.. lain la ko ni bkn human...mutant kot? but i hate you more and even more than i ever love you ! euuwwww aku unn x nk la wat taik ngan ko lg dah...you're free dudes....cri la pompuan yg konon nye matured dri aku...hahahah i don't care!!! laki cam you ni kan...bkn standard aku la...maybe i was blind before...but i regret it! darn it! hambekk ko! one piggy nose and double middle fingers for you dudes~ ohyeah btw...aku nk block ko? for what? klu aku block mcm aku ni pengecut plak ann? hehehe i'm not a coward silly! CRAP~

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